Welcome Backstage

This Is Your Free Pass Into My World!

Thanks for your interest in my music.

I’ve put together this exclusive area on my website just for you; to show you behind the scenes and encourage you to become a fan and support my music.

There’s a lot to see here that I’ve created over a long period of time. So, bookmark this page so you can come back to browse at any time.

Firstly, I suggest you watch my short welcome video to get an outline of what you’ll find here.

Welcome Video & Studio Tour

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJk1y-CnVLU[/embedyt]

I’m an independent music artist! What that means is I’m not signed to a record label at all. I receive no ‘official’ financial support for making music. On the plus side, that means I have total creative freedom and full control of my own music. It also means that you can get direct access to me, the type you don’t get with big-named mainstream artists. You can email or DM me anytime and I will personally respond!

My Musical Journey

I guess it’s always a good idea to start at the beginning. Let me show you where and how I started making music and my journey up to the release of my first album.

Click on the image below to be taken to the start of my story – My Musical Journey – From There to Here.

Discover The Meaning Behind The Songs

Before I released my first solo album “Night Life” I created a unique multimedia ‘experience’ to promote its launch. Whilst that site is now offline to everyone else, you can access it exclusively here. You’ll get to see my video diary of recording the album, and listen as I explain track-by-track the meaning behind each of the songs.

Click on the image below to be taken to the start of The Night Life Experience.

You’re in control of my musical future!

I totally rely on the support of people like you to continue making music. Every time you buy a digital download, CD or item of merchandise, that gives me a little more freedom to continue to create. Click Here to visit my Store now!

Virtual Tip JarAnd, just like any busker you might tip in the street, I also have a virtual online tip jar to receive your loose change along the way.  Just click on the jar picture to the left to donate. Every little helps!

Your support is greatly appreciated and very important to me as it’s the only way I can continue making my music.

If you don’t feel able to support me financially at the moment then there is another way you can help. Just by increasing my social media numbers I can reach a wider audience. You can help me do this by liking or subscribing to one or more of my various pages.

Just visit one or two of the links below and ‘follow’, ‘like’ or ‘subscribe’ to grow my numbers. It would also be great if you could “share the news!” Please tell your friends about my music and anyone else you think will love it.

YouTube Channel    Facebook Page    Twitter Page    Spotify Page    Instagram Page

Get Your Free Gifts Here!

I promised you an exclusive digital bundle. It contains the Lyrics Book for  my Perspectives EP, a couple of ring tones and some desktop wallpapers, so here’s the download link :

>>> Exclusive Digital Bundle <<<

As an extra bonus, I’d like to give you a free song to thank you for joining my supporters list and visiting this page. Here’s a complimentary MP3 of my first single “Take It Or Leave It”.

Just right click on the cover graphic below and select “Save link as…” to download it.

Thank You For Your Support!